About Us

Pensandoencanada.com originated from the concept of a group of professionals and friends with a long and successful career and experience helping others that wanted to move, study, or settle in Canada. After more than 12 years helping new immigrants, they decided to create Pensandoencanada.com

Our goal is none other than to help people that come to this wonderful country and to assist them in overcoming the obstacles that newcomers face when they begin this hard but rewarding endeavor of starting in a new country.

PEC Team

> Maria Patino - Co-Founder, Creative Director

Maria is a talented designer with over 10 years of international professional experience. She is a passionate creative used to think “out of the box” and has been commissioned to design and give strenght and personality to the identity of pensandoencanada.com visually conveying freshness and values of our brand. Among her passions is travelling and getting to know multiple cultures and that is why she has an amazing ability to adapt and integrate into any environment with great success.

Contact Maria

> Basma Ihmaidan - Co-Founder, Sales Director

Basma has more than 10 years working as a Sales executive (P&G) in Canada and the US. She’s been the leader of the Latin organization inside the company. Basma is a Canadian citizen with more than 10 years in the country; she enjoys family activities with her chldren and planning parties with her friends to keep the Latin culture alive in her home.

Contact Basma

> Juan Cifuentes - Co-Founder, Marketing and Communications Director

Juan is a natural-born entrepreneur marketing professional, his job is to spread the word of Pensandoencanada.com and the values of honesty, transparency and respect towards our customers that makes this company unique. Juan holds an IMBA from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and EAE (Spain), His passion is to travel and get to know new cultures. He has lived and worked in 4 different countries and after some time, he's proud to call Canada his home.

Contact Juan

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